Organic Wheat grass powder in Rs 325 only/- Order Now

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wheatgrass Powder (RICH GRASS)

Nature Gift to Mankind
RICH GRASS – Panacea On Earth
Research has established that if Wheat Grass is cultivated organically and harvested at the ‘jointing’ stage ( 6 to 7 days in tropical climate , then only its PH value will be nearer to 7 n The pH (hydrogen molecules) value of human blood and Wheatgrass both is about 7 (alkaline) and is therefore quickly absorbed in the blood and is highly beneficial.
The molecular structure of Chlorophyll contained in Wheatgrass bears a close resemblance to the substance called Hemin contained in human blood. The only exception is that the central atom in Chlorophyll is Magnesium whereas Hemoglobin contains Iron. Dieticians therefore call Wheatgrass as ‘Green Blood' as it helps to increasing red blood cells (RBC) & cure Anemia.
It contains more than 90 beneficial substances such as Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, Enzymes, Chlorophyll and Dietary Fibre including 19 Amino acids including 9 EAA (essential amino acids) which our body needs from outside source. So Wheatgrass can be known as Rich Grass.
100% Natural & innocent product having multiple health & wellness benefits such as:
Helps strengthen natural immune (resistance) system.
Helps in detoxification & thus reduces stress, tension, foul odors of breath & sweat.
Helps maintain blood pH conditions towards alkaline.
Increases blood Haemoglobin count, helps combat Thalassemia & Anaemia.
Helps improve reproductive health of both men & women, increase vigour, vitality & helps conceive.
Helps resolves digestion related problems such as Diabetes, Piles (Hemorrhoids), Colitis, Acidity, Ulcers, etc.
Supplements intake of dietary fibre which helps control blood sugar level, cholesterol level & prevents Constipation.
Helps in combating diseases such as Cancer, Paralysis, Leukemia, Arthritis, Insomnia, Asthma, Menstrual problems, etc.
Highly effective for weight loss / gain along with diet plans.
Paste of Wheatgrass Powder made with milk & a pinch of Turmeric applied like a face pack helps overcome skin problems such as Acne, Black / White heads, freckles, skin tan / burn, etc.
Helps overcome skin disorders, improves skin & muscle tone.
And the list goes on…………

MRP  Rs 600/-

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